«ماریا آلیوخینا» و «نادژدا تولوکونیکووا» دو عضو دربند گروه موسیقی «پوسی رایت» در روسیه روز دوشنبه دوم دی در حالی که تنها دو ماه از دوران حبسشان باقی مانده بود مشمول عفو ریاستجمهوری شده و از زندان آزاد شدند.

«ماریا آلیوخینا» و «نادژدا تولوکونیکووا» دو عضو دربند گروه موسیقی «پوسی رایت» در روسیه روز دوشنبه دوم دی در حالی که تنها دو ماه از دوران حبسشان باقی مانده بود مشمول عفو ریاستجمهوری شده و از زندان آزاد شدند.
در همین حال «ماریا آلیوخینا» در مورد این عفو گفت که این «یک اقدام تبلیغاتی» از سوی کرملین است و اگر امکانش برایش فراهم بود در زندان میماند.
به گزارش رادیو اروپای آزاد/رادیو آزادی، «ماریا آلیوخینا» که بامداد دوشنبه آزاد شد پس از آزادی از زندان به شبکه تلویزیونی روسی «دُژد» گفت که «فکر نمیکنم عفو من یک اقدام انساندوستانه بوده بلکه به نظر من این یک ترفند تبلیغاتی است و نظر من نسبت به ولادیمیر پوتین، رییسجمهور روسیه، تغییری نکردهاست.»
وی افزود که مأموران زندان ناچار به اجرای دستور عفو وی بودند اما اگر تصمیم برعهده خود وی بود در اعتراض به این «اقدام تبلیغاتی» در زندان میماند.

در واکنش به این اقدام، آمریکا و اتحادیه اروپا مجازات زندان برای این دختران را «واکنشی بیش از اندازه سختگیرانه» توصیف کردند.
پس از آن، ساموتسویچ، یکی از سه عضو این گروه از زندان آزاد شد اما دو عضو دیگر یعنی آلیوخینا و تولوکونیکووا به بازداشتگاهی در نقطهای دوردست در سیبری فرستاده شدند.

مدت حبس آلیوخینا و تولوکونیکووا اوایل ماه مارس آینده به پایان میرسید اما با عفو ریاستجمهوری آلیوخینا بامداد روز دوشنبه و تولوکونیکووا نیز عصر همان روز آزاد شد.
خبرگزاری رویترز روز دوشنبه نوشت که نظر ماریا آلیوخینا در مورد «تبلیغاتی» بودن این اقدام منعکسکننده نظر تحلیلگران سیاسی است که اقدامات جدید ولادیمیر پوتین، از جمله عفو میخائیل خودورکوفسکی، میلیاردر سابق و هوادار حزب اپوزیسیون در روسیه، از زندان را با نزدیک شدن زمان بازیهای المپیک زمستانی در سوچی روسیه در فوریه، و تلاش دولت روسیه برای بهبود وجهه بینالمللی خود پیش از آغاز این بازیها مرتبط میدانند.
میخائیل خودورکوفسکی که پس از گذراندن ده سال در زندان روز جمعه ۲۹ آذر آزاد شد روز یکشنبه در مصاحبه با رسانهها از بدرفتاری با خود در زندان خبر داد و افزود که قصد دارد از سیاست روسیه فاصله بگیرد.
آقای خودورکوفسکی پس از آزادی به خبرنگاران گفت که کوشش خواهد کرد تا به آزادی دیگر زندانیان سیاسی در روسیه کمک کند و از سیاستمداران غربی خواست تا در ملاقاتهای خود با پوتین مسائل این زندانیان را نیز مد نظر داشته باشند.
Vassilis Palaiokostas is on the run, after his escape with a helicopter from Korydallos prison, on Feb. 22/2009, accused for robbing banks and kidnapping industrialists. It is worth to say, he has never harmed human life, not even cop lives to avoid an arrest.
“On the occasion of the upcoming jury on the kidnapping of the industrialist G. Mylonas, that begins on Tuesday February 2, I would like to clarify certain issues.
Through different periods of my life I have been a first line fugitive, nearly 12 years in total an escapee (I hope there’s more of that coming) and 8 years a prisoner.
All those years that I had been and even now that Iam still hunted by the official state, there wasn’t found even one snitch to deliver me to the hands of my prosecutors. Even though, during my first escape, in August 1991, there was also a large reward for that, from the -generous to snitches- Greek state. On the contrary, I met people with troth, honor in their words, and dignity. People that opened their door for me, provided cover and help, often without even minding the risk they took for themselves. People that helped me in hard times for me (as in a prison escape) endangering their own lives, people that prove that in this country there aren’t only resigned, submissive fellows, but also many (so many I am surprised) people that honor the traditions of honor and solidarity to the hunted. Pride people that despise snitching, servitude and the constable.
I publicly express my gratitude to all those remarkable persons for their valuable help and for giving me the joy of having met them.
Two of them are Vaggelis Chrisohoides and Polys Georgiades, each one of them stood by me in his own way, at the time I needed them, without expecting personal gains, but only acted upon their conscience.
Declaring my solidarity to this two young men, the state strangles everyday knowing their only “crime” was their solidarity to the hunted, I would expect to see for once the magnitude the Republic of Greece takes prides in. Because for its petiness, I consider myself more than competent to describe: It’s an Abyss.
I will say nothing more. I only adress to those that care to retain some pleas of justice and dignity. And everyone should do what his sense of honor and his conscience tells him to do.
On 4/14/09, afternoon around 20:00 while driving on the central coastal road of Alepohori, suddenly three cars blocked my way and another two stuck on the back of my own car. Among them was a black Audi A4, a Peugot Rally and an Opel Athens Taxi. Each one of them with three persons (15 in total), all in plain clothes. All of them got instantaneously out, pointing at me, the drivers with H&K MP5 sub-machine guns with double cartridge, nad the other with Glock and H&K U.S.P semi-automatic handguns. I instantly understood these armed mercenaries of the Greek state where on a prowl for blood.
This same moment on my right, through an invisible from the main road, alley, comes another car with the driver standing aghast and stopping on the crossroad with the main road. Without second though I turned the wheels right and let it rip. Slightly hitting the other car (given the alley could barely take my jeap), I got right in the alley without knowing where it gets to. From my initial speeding to getting 20-30 meters in the alley, bullets where dancing on my car’s cabin. Those guys opened fire with their machine guns and handguns aiming right at me (the only thing undamaged was my car’s tires).
From my μeasurable experience in intense conditions, I am more than certain that they shot more than 150 bullets in 15 seconds (the whole scene didn’t last any longer). Most probably, some of them also found the unwary civilian’s car, while he was inside it.
These unscrupulous, blind shooters of EL.AS [transl: the Greek police] where determined to carry out fully the order they had take from their natural and political leaders. Find and kill.
In this case, they can blame their bad luck, since luck is female and cares for the daring. [transl. see latin: “Fortuna Favet Fortubus”]
The reason I refer to this incident is to show the contemptible way the Mass Media report such cases. The car I was riding and left 100 meters from the scene, because the alley was a dead-end, was full of bullets. This fact was not reported and the car never appeared anywhere, it magically disappeared. Just like the other car (hit and possibly with bullet holes), together with its misfortunate owner, the only witness that actually took part in the scene, withous his will ofcourse, watching the whole thing from the begining to the end.
So, instead of inquiring all these important facts to show what exactly happened in that scene, the daring and ingenious reporters of the Greek Mass Media gathered inside the room I was living in, and in exclusive reporting were waving around my unwashed underpants, informing screaming of tension the weak, ignorant, speachless tv-viewer.
This fact reveals clearly the “journalist community’s” compliance to keep silent, essentialy consenting to the criminal activity of EL.AS’ desperados and their head responsibles, in full cooperation with them. “We will allow you to enter the house for an exclusive report, but you ‘ll keep your mouth shut about everything else”. Such was the filthy deal between the two sides. The media would get their money, since underpants worth more in their stockmarket of values than the life of their owner. As long as he is “notorious”. And finally, who cares about how the police acts? If the police and their leadership believe a man just because he is wanted is to be killed, why should we disagree? Whenever we [the Media] needed some information, the police’s head officer provided it -they actually brag about it-. While, the hunted man has no phone. And even if he has one, it will be turned off or without a signal.
This is the way our daring and independant journalists think.
My congratulations, the future belongs to you. May I suggest the two organizations, police and media, could even integrate in own, for functional reasons. It’s both innovative and carries many advantages. Then, it won’t be for nothing that you elected a police correspondent as president of ESIEA (journalists-editors union).
If these ingenious reporters, with the same eagerness the show on mine and not only, underpants, cared to carry a constant control, denouncing to the Greek citizens that:
* 13.000 humans are in a state of captivity (under the pretext of illegality), living a total exploitation of themselves and their families, from the official state. That after passing the symplegades [transl: mythical deadly clashing rock of the argonaut campain] of a corrupt police and an even worst justice system, end up with heavy penalties in medieval conditions, by which this rotten system strives to control and then annihilate whatever dares to make a mockery of it.
* The armed guardians of the Greek state killing in cold-blood citizens (preferably the young) in the middle of the street, in front of the citizen’s own eyes. Humiliating and torturing to death people in the police stations. Setting up wilfully indictments sending “guilty” humans in jail for years. Setting a whole network of criminal activities not controlled by anyone.
* If they really cared to exercise some control over the modern Pirates of the political system, that helped by the gimmickery of the election system and the blessings of the Mass Media take over the Parliament, turning it into the headquarters of full domination on their voters citizens. Into a nest of intertwining interests, dealing transactions, bribes. Into a “terrorist hideout” where the loots from pillaging are divided around. A loot every citizen dares to question, becoming an obstacle in their plans will feel upon him the brutal democratic violence of a blood-thirsty repressive organization. He will feel the revengefulness, the revanchism, and the deep hatred the Greek state has for all those that rejected the status of an obidient citizen that understand his personal liberty as a necessity to do what he’s told to, but remain human with free will and claim an opinion on what’s going on around them with their own actions.
* If they revealed the great responsibility of this criminal organization for the establishment of a police state in Greece, through which they exercise an unbearable psychological violence to the citizen with hundreds of road blocks with cops armed-to-the-teeth with “survivor”-style weaponry, and the same menacing, numb look they had back in the junta days. The thousands of policemen one faces wherever he turns the eye (not to count the undercover ones). The dozens of head-hunters that prowl the mountains acting on their own taste, reminding of the begining of the 20th century, though with a modern name.
* If they denounce these and innumerable other things that de facto cancel the “social state” and “justice state” notions, as their role supposes, then today’s regime, they eagerly guard and name democracy, would be incomparably more humain, qualitative, and certainly more just.
You ‘d now say I am not the most adequate person to give recommendations, even less for matters of the regime.
That’s correct. In the place democracy was born, they can do whatever with her, even burry her if they wish so. It’s a good thing to die where in the place you where born. But, they shouldn’t go hard to the kids when they throw stones to her. They see her old and rotten, it’s stones she’s gonna get.
These insticts are primitive, though inerrable.
Because the kids are more honest and upstanding than the grown-ups.
Nobody would want to grow up just to find a dead body in the closed his parents have been hiding there to eat of her pension. They desire something more than a body in formol, and be sure they ‘re gonna get it, no matter how many dreads you put in their street.
On what concerns me, it is my absolute belief and surely of thousands others conscious people, that the damage caused to the social body by one shiny tv-presenter in one and only news bulletin (preferably the 8 o’ clock one), I can’t make it, even if they give me 10 lives to spare.
What’s the damage my drop-fire gun [transl. use of an old term for light arm guns of the mountain thieves and left-wing insurgents in Greece]. I have never turned it to an other human, much less to an other human’s mind.
Now, why am I with this drop-fire the prosecuted one that risks his life by any enraged death-squad, and those with their lucrative superweapons degenerate and devitalise the spirit of a whole people, leading them to mental necrosis, become my judges and my hunters, is my question too.
On second thoughts maybe the law on weapons should change. Whoever holds a fire-drop gun should be prosecuted for a capital offence!!!
Now, since it’s the first time I intervene with a public statement, I wouldn’t want it to end in a dispiriting way. So, let me add an allegoric enigma-quiz, I find it won’t trouble you much to solve.
What is the name, of a deputy sheriff of some mountainous and remote village of Utah, USA, overjoyed to his award winning by the FBI, for heroically and always risking his life arrested and gave to justice some dangerous elements to the order of his village? Who, apart of that precious award, also fed the ambition to have his triumphous achievement turn into a big Hollywood move, with George Clooney acting as him, something that pissed off his american patrons so that they exiled him, reducing him to the ranks of minister of “Citizens Protection” of some independent Balkan state. Who, to my exclusive information keeps fantacising about and anxiously sweeping for new “troublemakers”!
To make it even easier for you, I can also add some of his favorite words: Democracy, Revolutionary Fund, Ghetto, Communicating Vessels, Destabilization, Zero Tolerance, Organized Crime, They will be arrested and prosevuted.
He is also a devoted fan of snitching and loves “rats” and his hobbies include setting prices for the heads of wanted.
Keeping in mind though, that one of his many qualities is revanchism, I come to clarify that any similarity to real person or events is totally unintended.
Every police reporter that solves the quiz, enters a lottary for an exclusive interview.
My militant regards to all those that don’t surrender the weapons the chose to fight with, for the life they dream of.
PS. Some oil guys, they do rust.”
Vassilis Palaiokostas
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