نزدیکی (فیلم)

نزدیکی (به انگلیسیIntimacyفیلمی درام به کارگردانی پاتریس شرو است که در سال ۲۰۰۱ منتشر شد. از بازیگران آن می‌توان به مارک رایلنس، کری فاکس، سوزانا هارکر، تیموتی اسپال و مرین فیث‌فول اشاره کرد.
این فیلم بر اساس رمان معروف نزدیکی اثرِ حنیف قریشی ساخته شده است.

نزدیکی (به انگلیسیIntimacyفیلمی درام به کارگردانی پاتریس شرو است که در سال ۲۰۰۱ منتشر شد. از بازیگران آن می‌توان به مارک رایلنس، کری فاکس، سوزانا هارکر، تیموتی اسپال و مرین فیث‌فول اشاره کرد.
این فیلم بر اساس رمان معروف نزدیکی اثرِ حنیف قریشی ساخته شده است.
کری فاکس توانست برای بازی در فیلمِ نزدیکی خرس نقره‌ایِ جشنواره فیلم برلین را از آنِ خود کند.
Intimacy movie
Year: 2001
Duration: 01:52:10
Directed by: Patrice Chéreau
Actors: Mark Rylance, Kerry Fox, Susannah Harker
Language: English
Country: France | UK | Germany | Spain
Also known as: Intimidad,Intimité,Intimacy,Intimacy – Shinmitsu,Intimidade
Description: Our days. Dirty quarter of London. She comes to him every week on Wednesday, late in the evening just for the sake of sex – quick, desperate and hopeless.
Both are not so young. They do this, almost without speaking, for a whole hour, and sometimes more. She then leaves without promising to come again next Wednesday, and he don’t even ask her about it.
However, at the same time just after a week she comes over and not coming in the house, immediately goes to the basement, where he just dropped on the floor and a pair of well-worn carpet blankets.
But one Wednesday she does not come at the appointed hour, and he wonders what he knows about all of his silent partner? Who is She? What she does? Where she lives? Does she have a family? And in a week when she did appear, he begins to quietly follow her … Intimacy was filmed by director of Flesh of the Orchid
Review: Middle-aged man and similarly mature lady occasionally have sex. Sex is natural, stressed animals. The camera does not hide the details of a la naturel, as if spying on primates. The highlight is that, being passionate lovers, the characters remain strangers to each other. And this may be true love? Without names, without attachment, without a spiritual communion.
“Love – a dislike” – not an object of interest provocative “Intimacy”. Patrice Chéreau is playing a clever expression’s mate, maliciously noticing imperfections value priorities of society. Feature flowery statements in blatant naivety, no matter how ignorant of the banality of the message. And as if not knowing what sane alternative to the traditional institutions of the relationship is not. Ezhestsennaya verified and homeopathic metered expression in low-key acting job still does not seem “live” traffic, not galvanize the imagination. Deadness of the scheme does not stink, but the character’s monologue recalls Marlon Brando at the grave of his wife in “Last Tango in Paris“, which is correlated to some extent, “Sex.” The similarity is not confessional intonation and unaddressed focus.
Pain restless souls and death in a longtime Bertolucci’s masterpiece should sound pretentious vulgarity, compared with a parity agreement heroes Raylensa and Fox, who wished to make a “last time” and “in a hurry” to live as they lived before. Probably should, but in the end it turns vulgar just did Shero. Vulgar of those at dinner parties in expensive tuxedos giggle like a fist, releasing sebaceous jokes about new arrivals guests.
Dramaturgical and directorial reasonableness distance moved pritvorschitskuyu unhappiness characters on the website, leaving only a moralistic message, despite the shocking pornographic. No matter how many big plans are not counted genital standard footage, no matter how much yelling script about beatific brief and slightly perverse pleasure … all the same output limp hand rearing. Leave the non-inclusion of his zeal and native lampshade squeaky bed, and you will be happy. As to the world festival of triumph and top prizes in Berlin, the best film critic Yu Gladilschikova and rezyumiruesh: «It ‘s not so good, It’s not too bad. But the reward for blowjob ”
Review of Intimacy movie #2: The notorious man and a woman, tired of his everyday life and looking for something fresh and bright. Especially this woman wants, not what it would seem the perfect base for a melodrama about the relationship between the sexes. But the relationship does not go beyond sex and up to a certain point, it suits the main characters.
Everything is a vicious circle: home, family, work, and something that gives ordinary charm and makes you forget about the loneliness there. This is an attempt to have sex fill the spiritual void. Especially, if not strange, it’s the main character realizes he is no longer satisfied with simple perepiha, he needed a more intimate contact, the word “sex” is just what we needed and acts more in the context of convergence, but not the body.
But the two of them is a woman afraid to go to a more sophisticated level, so I do not know why this film is considered only erotic, but rather about the fear of a serious relationship, fear of love, if directly. Sex easy and not burdensome, no restrictions and prohibitions and no “sex”, yes, just pure sex with no hope for something more.
Intimacy movie
Intimacy movie
Intimacy movie

Intimacy movie
Intimacy movie
Intimacy movie

Intimacy movie
Intimacy movie
Intimacy movie

توضیحات فيلم Intimacy 2001 : 

یک موسیقیدان ناموفق برای دوری از روابط متعهدانه هر هفته با زنی به اسم کلیر رابطه جِنسی برقرار میکند اما غافل از اینکه بعد از یک مدت این رابطه شکل دیگری به خود می گیرد

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