On the white face/fist was beaten


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I married in the small hall of  Kahrizak
At my first wedding night/I don’t know to cryingt
It was writtern on my invitation card:
To wedding  of  S. Mortazavi and N. Jaafari, fist was directed  here
My life was passing to his cry and I was too confused  to be in reserve instead of being transformed
To going wrong
To going and not comeback
In the one of wrong’s going
After nine months , not
After one month, my baby was born on my residue
When I take his birth Certificate
His name was wound
He was injured
From injuring to himself , the wound was severed
He escape to going
Going  to busy his brain
Going to work the workers
To work the truckmans
The wound was a worker
It form the public protests
It was the ordinary people
Barbed wire was pulled them around  Enqlab (sq.)
The wound was the teachers
They  would  throwing  the  words  as  crawling/into  my  mouth
The wound was the load of truks that  moving /from one side to the other side more/  from  north and south sides
I was rejected
I had come too
In the one of wrong’s going/picked up my gun/was remained on floor/my baby/yet
Spit/ it was small fire to my brain.
Kahrizak :  It named as the  sole or camp of Kahrizak is in the Stone (Sang) city , one of Subsidiaries of  Tehran  Province. This place was formed during of  Qalibaf commands in the Polic force. Within a few years, it was used in many events such as destruction of  Khak e  Sefid  neighbour, then it was utilized widely for the plans as named  Upgrading of social security and Repression of  presidential election‘s protesters. This detention place was unknown until summer of  1388 (2009), then it find the world stand in related to presidential elect ons. Mohammad Baqer Zoulghadr, Hossein Fadaei, Ahmad reza Radan are the torturers in this terrible and the fascist Islamic republic of Iran.
Saeeid Mortazavi zadeh, Well-known  of  Judge Mortazavi is an Assistant of Attorney General of Iran. Also he is the chief of Tehran’s Special Security of  Court from 1381 until 1387, the attorney of  Ministry of  Information , Press Court and the  founder  of re-establish  the attorney of  Judiciary at the sixth month of  1388 (Shahrivar of 1388)[1].
He was declared guilty by Canada state and the committee  of  Ninety principle in  sixth Parliament   in order to killing of Zahra Kazemi , she was an Iranian-canadian journalist and photographer that was murdered in arrestment of Tehran attorney. Also, the Press Union Institute  acuses him to intervention  of  controlling and censoring the press and  ordering  the  various  rules and  threat against journalists. He is the main accuser of  Kahrizak lockup.

1.      September of 2009